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ACTIONS Here & Elsewhere

"To move forward you have to take a step back, because to take a step back is to gain momentum"
MC Solaar


"Be the change you want to see in this world"  Gandhi

Sensitive to the major causes of our society and to the inequalities of resources encountered in the world, our association wishes to engage in a certain number of "humanist" projects, as long as they go in the direction of improving living conditions. of everyone and of the most disadvantaged.

For some, we have already acted, but other beautiful and noble causes still need to be defended.
The themes mentioned below are close to our
hearts , we will discuss them on this site.
Your support, whether moral and / or financial, will be the strong link in our success.

Eco gestures

Eco tourism

Bio & local

Reducing your waste can be very simple. You too, test a few simple gestures to see the impact it will have on your trash cans. Together, let's value our waste, learn to become eco-citizens.

Precariousness &

We are convinced that the world of tomorrow will find a better balance by strengthening the social link , by relying on international solidarity to alleviate certain inequalities, whether social or linked to natural resources. Our association, which is deeply rooted in humanism, supports any action aimed at restoring greater equity.

Responsible eco tourism in the Region of San Martin-Tarapoto (Peru).

Tourism can take a "greener", more useful, more virtuous form, as soon as we become aware of the fragility of everything around us and can draw some lessons from it. This is what Tarapoto Expeditions offers


We are surrounded by plastics, overwhelmed by the place it occupies in our daily lives. And yet it is urgent to change our behavior, if only to dissuade manufacturers  to continue to produce this packaging method. Our association wishes to mobilize and be a vector of change

Eating organic and local is good for the environment, health, the local economy, social ties ... It is also the guarantee of having a product that avoids intermediaries and provides fairer income to the producer . At our associative level, we want to meet the producers of our region. We also support the wine industry which invests in organic


Our help to the BirdFriends Peru Ornithological Association  in the Peruvian Amazon) Tarapoto (San Martín) takes shape.

Discover the project and the 1st support of Cop Gironde given to Idelber (Peruvian farmer).



Protect the world and endangered species

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